restart-screen1You’re sitting at your desk, looking at your computer screen, and trying to view a news clip or movie preview. After what seems like hours of waiting, it suddenly dawns on you that maybe, just maybe, there are too many applications open. There are so many applications open that everything is simply overloaded. Maybe, it’s time to reboot.

Are you “ON” all the time? Are you always available 24/7? Do you always say, “Yes”? Sometimes we get so busy building “OUR” kingdom and forget its all for “HIS” kingdom.  We are here on this earth to build the kingdom of God. Amazingly, we are “HEIRS” to the Kingdom of God! 


What you maintain in your own ability, you have to sustain in your own ability. 


Take time to “REBOOT.”  When you reboot you restart: restarting is refreshing.  God wants you refreshed.  Live in grace in the ability of God.  Relying on my ability cause me to end up short. By tapping into His grace / ablity, you will accomplish more than you can imagine.

Lamentations 3:22-23 The LORD’S loving kindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail.  They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.

Sometimes, we need to interrupt our “routines” in order to gain proper perspective.  Sleep in. Take a nature walk.  Do a lunch-date with your spouse instead with the work gang. Pick your son or daughter early from school and go get some ice cream. Read something just for fun and not information. Take a new route. Mundane routines lead to mundane lives.

Today is a new day, go and enjoy it!  – Larry 

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